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Thanks for your visit, hope to see you soon.


24 octobre 2011 1 24 /10 /octobre /2011 15:51

Hello my friends, I write you today because of the

ad which was displayed recently on my blogs,

it is inappropriate, it is displayed in some countries

and in others it is not, anyways here in the USA,

I find it all the time, it is true that I visit

the main page of my blog rarely but these last few 

days I have to verify the advertising.


I have written to the overblog platform 6 times maybe even more but they ignore my emails completely, I even asked them to permanently cancel the contract but they ignore my emails.


What really bothers me is that you my dear fans, especially that I have young fans who visit my blogs with their parents. I ask you for forgiveness, I am really not responsible, but I assure you one thing, I won't give up, I will bother overblog with my emails until I receive an answer. 


You are very dear to me. I respect you a lot,

and I will not allow a lack of respect shown

toward you.

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16 octobre 2011 7 16 /10 /octobre /2011 06:00

Gateau glac aux fraises de Aya

Ice Cream Cake of Aya  

gateau semoule coco de matbakh-oumzakino

Coconut & Semolina Cookies of Oum Zakina


flower power koekjes de Neama

Flower cookies of Neama



Pastille with Chicken de Neama


Boisson de fraise et lait concentre de Khadi douceur

Strawberry Juice of Khadi douceur



Cupcakes of Jenna by Hanane

 Gateau d'anniversaire de Loubna

Birthday cake of Loubna

 Gateau d'orange de Malika

 Orange Cake of Malika


Gateaux au chocolat et grains de pavot de Neama

Gateaux au chocolat et Grains de pavot de Neama


Gateaux chocolat et caramal de Neama

Chocolate & Caramel Cookies of Neama

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14 octobre 2011 5 14 /10 /octobre /2011 13:38
Gratin de Pomme de Terre & Viande Hachée
It is a simple recipe for Potato Gratin  
and ground meat  topped with cheese.
I invite you to watch the video at the end of the article.
Gratin de Pommes de Terre et Viande Hachee (3)
  I cooked the ground meat in a little bit of oil with onions.
I cooked the potatoes in salty water, then I prepared a bechamel
sauce, at the end, I gathered all the ingredients in a baking
dish  and put it in the oven, after  I put a little bit of cheese on the top.
Gratin de Pommes de Terre et Viande Hachee (9)
Gratin de Pommes de Terre et Viande Hachee (8)
  Place the slices of potatoes at the bottom.
Gratin de Pommes de Terre et Viande Hachee (7)
Pour the bechamel sauce on top .
Gratin de Pommes de Terre et Viande Hachee (6)
 Add the ground meat, you can add
whatever you wish for example mushrooms and  peas (canned).
Gratin de Pommes de Terre et Viande Hachee (5)
  Cover with aluminum foil during the cooking.
Gratin de Pommes de Terre et Viande Hachee (2)
During the last minutes of cooking, remove
the paper to let the cheese golden on the top.
Gratin de Pommes de Terre et Viande Hachee (1)
  The video
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7 octobre 2011 5 07 /10 /octobre /2011 16:58





In order to change a little bit from stuffed bread recipes I've been

posting (I have more stuffed bread recipes, do not worry), I chose

this typical Moroccan recipe, a stuffed Cornish hen with couscous,

spiced with fresh ginger and arabic gum.

It is a recipe taken from the book of Rachida Amhaouch,

I added  some personal touches.



I invite you to watch the video.


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24 septembre 2011 6 24 /09 /septembre /2011 10:58
Gateaux Chocolat-Amandes-Coco-Café
Gateaux Chocolat-Amandes-Noix de Coco 
Gateaux Chocolat-Amandes-Noix de Coco
Gateaux Chocolat-Amandes-Noix de Coco
Here is another
cookie recipe, but this time the flavor is different.
I wanted to mix 3 different flavors together
in order to create  a single one. 
I do not like too much chocolate,
but I assure you I ate them all by myself.
It is the first time that I combined almonds, coconuts
and chocolate, which gave a pleasant flavor,
with every bit, my mouth was dancing with enjoyment.
P.S.: During the baking, cookies should remain soft inside,
exactly like Brownies HERE.
I invite you to watch the videoat the end of the article
Gateaux Chocolat-Amandes-Noix de Coco
Gateaux Chocolat-Amandes-Noix de Coco
Gateaux Chocolat-Amandes-Noix de Coco 
Gateaux Chocolat-Amandes-Noix de Coco 
Gateaux Chocolat-Amandes-Noix de Coco
  Gateaux Chocolat-Amandes-Noix de Coco
Gateaux Chocolat-Amandes-Noix de Coco
Gateaux Chocolat-Amandes-Noix de Coco
The video
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22 septembre 2011 4 22 /09 /septembre /2011 12:44

Here is another collection of your atempts,

 that a fan of Sousoukitchen tried,

This time it is Amal Oukha, I would like to thank her by the way for

 sharing. She prepared all these dishes for

her family during the occasion of El Eid.


This goes for you too, my dear fans, if you have tried making 

one of my recipes, send it in to sousoukitchen@gmail.com


If you also want to receive my videos as soon as 

I post them, subscribe to my newsletter.



Thank you for your support and your loyalty. 





Amal Oukha (1)

Stuffed Vegetables


Amal Oukha (10)

Stuffed Tartelets


Amal Oukha (2)

Stuffed Msemen


Amal Oukha (3)

Stuffed Brioches


Amal Oukha (4)

Stuffed Tartelets


Amal Oukha (5)

Stuffed Eclairs 


Amal Oukha (6)

Chicken à la Marocaine


Amal Oukha (7)

Rice Salad


Amal Oukha (8)



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11 septembre 2011 7 11 /09 /septembre /2011 01:31



Hello friends,


I am writing to let you know that I am

a little bit sick, I will be absent a few days


( I cannot sit in front of my computer and concentrate at the moment ).


I have MANY recipes which I prepared for you but

I am incapable of doing anything at the moment.


I thank you for your visits, comments and your

support, so see you soon.

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6 septembre 2011 2 06 /09 /septembre /2011 20:38

You were many to try my recipes and to send me photos especially during the sacred month of Ramadan, I thank you for the bottom

of my heart of this trust, I have more pictures to share with you

(I post only 10 photos at once).

 Good job ! great pictures as you see. 


Subscribe to my Newsletter if you wish to receive

my recipes and my videos as soon as I post them,

send your pictures here: sousoukitchen@gmail.com


beef tagine with bell pepper de Sylvia Beef Tagine with peppers of Sylvia


Bligha J'aime Musique

Chebakiya Bligha of J'aime Musique


Brioche au chocolat de Aya  Brioche with chocolat of Aya


Amal (2)

Gratin of Amal


chabakya d'Oum Mannou (mon tablier.overblog.com

Chebakya of Oum Mannou de saveur de cuisine


Chebakiya Bligha de Hanane

Chebakiya Bligha of Hanane


fekkas de Najma cuisine

Fekkas of Najma cuisine


Eclairs au poulet de Nia

Eclairs with chicken of Nia


Gateau au chocolat de Hanane

Gateau au chocolate Cake of Hanane



Lemrouzia of Hanane

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30 août 2011 2 30 /08 /août /2011 23:33




Eïd el-Fitr is the Muslim celebration which marks


the end of the fasting month of Ramadan.


After a month of fasting, it is the opportunity to share


again to eat lunch with the family.


May Allâh accept our fast and yours!


Happy El Eïd... Mabrouk El Eid...عيد سعيد

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28 août 2011 7 28 /08 /août /2011 13:23
 Kalb Elouz - قلب اللوز Recette de Ramadan
   Kalb Elouz-قلب اللوز , an oriental cake prepared
with fine semolina, almonds and honey or syrup. 
I invite you to watch the video at the end of the article
 Kalb Elouz - قلب اللوز Recette de Ramadan
 It is better to let the dough rise  overnight.
 Kalb Elouz - قلب اللوز Recette de Ramadan
 The day after, I spread the first part of the dough,
I stuffed it with the almonds mixture, then
I added the rest of the dough to cover the whole cake.
 Kalb Elouz - قلب اللوز Recette de Ramadan
As soon as the cake comes out the oven, pour 
"home-made Honey ", which you will find HERE,
or prepare a syrup as I show you in the video 
 Kalb Elouz - قلب اللوز Recette de Ramadan
It is better to eat this cake of Kalb Elouz
the next day, if you can resist of course .
 Kalb Elouz - قلب اللوز Recette de Ramadan
The video
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